For Sale! Pre Loved

Jual Mamaway Post Natal Recovery Shorts Preloved
Size M SOLD!

•Kondisi sangat bagus
•Baru dicoba sampe paha ga muat dan ga di lanjut 
•Beli di Bilna bulan September 2014

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Jual ShrinkXhips Ultra Preloved SOLD!

•Kondisi sangat bagus
•Baru 1 kali coba pakai dan tidak lanjut dipakai karena jadinya lahiran caesar, parno sama bekas jahitan horizontalnya takut kenapa-kenapa. 
•Beli September 2014 di littlehannahshop jadi barang pasti 100% original
•Opini pribadi : bahannya bagus banget! Lembut dan rapih. Sayang ga jadi dipake 

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Hi! Welcome to My Blog

Hi! Welcome to My Blog
Fianty T Triswara. Family Blogger.


"Children have never been very good at listening to their elders but they never failed to imitate them" - James Baldwin

“The hardest job kids face today is learning good manners without seeing any”- Fred Astaire.

“Motherhood is not a battle against other mothers. Motherhood is your journey with your children” –NN

“Every time you eat or drink, you are either feeding disease or fighting it.” – Heather Morgan.

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